Due to the amount of people on the forums, who use an invalid mail address, or simply flag our mail as spam, we have been forced to introduce new means of safeguarding our mail provider reputation.
Bounces – Mails that are rejected by the recipient server, deemed suspicious in nature.
Complaints – Mails that are marked as spam by the recipient themselves, causing harm to our reputation.
Especially the complaints are a problem, as you don’t need an awful lot, before the mail provider will sanction or terminate your account. This is why we will now put problematic users on a suppression list. Users on this list will receive no mails sent by the forum, as they are discarded before being sent out. Entries on the suppression list are permanent, and can only be changed manually by an administrator.
Feel free to contact a member of the administration, if you suspect that you are being suppressed, by not receiving any mails, even as your profile settings are opting for it.
A private message will be sent to problematic users as well, to which we expect a reply, so that you at least acknowledge, that you are aware of the problem, and would like to resolve the problem.