Tomorrow (Sunday) we will take down our community forum to perform some upgrades of the database and software. It shouldn’t take long, but complications can always occur. Starting at around 6:00~7:00 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) / 10:00~11:00 AM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), we will disable the forums for all members. You can still view…
S.G. UWC errors update 3
All S.G. elite services and downloads are now restored. Please repot anything that doesn’t seem to lork. Sorry for the inconvenience.
S.G. UWC errors update 2
The restoration is close to completion. It has taken a little longer than we hoped, due to time restraints. However, everything should be back to normal, by the end of the week.
S.G. UWC errors update
Unfortunately, the UWC server is having issues with several drives, which will need to be replaced. We have yet to see, how much data that needs to be recovered. For now, all S.G. Elite downloads from this site, are unavailable until further notice. A backup solution is being worked at as well.
S.G. UWC CRC errors
Our UWC server, hosting remote desktop instances and several S.G. Elite services is currently experiencing a lot of CRC errors. This is likely due to a failing hard drive. Services will be taken down temporarily to make the server ready for testing and possible repair. It’s RAID setup should prevent any data loss.